Acupuncture, Acupressure, Natural Fertility Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in South Shields, Tyne And Wear
- Addications (Smoking,drinking,drugs) - Arthritis of the Joints. - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Circulatory Disorders - Diabetes(Type 2) - Dizziness and Vertigo - Facial paralysis - Fibromyalgia - Hayfever and Sinusitis - High blood pressu...
Indian Head Massage, Swedish Relaxation Massage, Reflexology in stockton on tees
Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Podiatry and Chiropody in Yarm
HealthHub Clinics are a vastly experienced and friendly team, working on your muscular and skeletal structure to get you back on track. We offer you: * Speed of Service: We aim to offer a prompt appointment wherever possible, no waiting lists to sl...
Reiki, NLP, Deep Tissue Massage in Middlesbrough
Reiki , Reiki Training , Reiki for beginners, Reiki attunements, Aromatherapy massage , reflexology mobile or treatment room
Indian Head MassageReiki, NLP, Deep Tissue Massage in Northallerton
Hypnotherapy, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage in Gateshead
Acupuncture Newcastle, Back Pain Newcastle, Insomnia Newcastle, Joint pain Newcastle, etc. Massage Newcastle, Relaxation Newcastle, etc.
we are Acupuncture&massage and we provide traditional Chinese medicines ,treatments and therapeutic massage services for anyone and everyone. We based in the very central of the Newcastle city centre, within only 1 minute walk from the monument metr...
Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology in Newcastle Upon Tyne